The long awaited moment was over in a split second. Finally, I am a graduand and an undergrad. The feeling that I had while on stage,receiving my diploma was undescripable. And when I saw the smiles on my parents’ faces, I knew that I have made them proud, probably the first time in my life. Taking pictures with my fellow friends was what I looked forward too but that din happen because we were busy snapping pics with our family instead.
To my mummy and daddy, I really want to thank you for all the moral support that you’ve given for the past years when I was struggling in school. Without you, I think I’d made wrong choices in life. I wouldn’t be where I am right now. I love you so much! And thank you for being my parents!
To boyfriend, thank you for being there for me whenever I needed you. You never failed to tell me how great I am and although its hard to believe, I am glad that you said it. Being with you is God’s biggest gift in life for me. I hope that you will be there in future, staying by my side,never leaving me, believing in me and supporting me throughout my journey in universiti. I might not be there for you because of my buziness but I promise you, you will always be in my heart, regardless of anything. I love you babyboy!
As of now, I am going to be occupied with a lot of projects so I am trying not to think about unnecessary stuff and live life each day as it goes. J But I will definitely enjoy myself as it comes along. Study hard,play harder for me! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! K goooo! Bring it on uni!