Saturday, March 19, 2011
Ohh terbangnya layang ku, setinggi langit hendakmu pergi. Keindahan pelangi menjadi asyikmu, kepulan awan tempat mu beradu. Namun tarikkan ku memintasmu dari pergi. Adanya petir dan hujan ku beri amaran. Engkau hiraukan, malah lagi hebat rentapanmu. Aku sedar akan diriku terhadapmu. Hanya seulas tali yang semakin hari, semakin tipis... Tidak! Biarpun angin kencang mencabarku, kepanasan nur membakarku, kensunyian mlm menyepi, kekuatan ku mengikat bersama dirimu akan ku bersumpah atas nama cinta sejati.
Posted @
1:40 PM
y the hell must this shit happens?
u saw all the mistakes in me but what about u?
Do u think u r perfect? admit ur mistakes and ur all a goody guy once again?
let me tell u sumting. u r one arrogant guy!
after all this years, u fought with me over a mere friend...! wth r u thinking seriously? i let u control my life, but my choice of friends? what right have u? yes my bf but if u really loves ur gf, u will definitely nt ask me to choose between u n him...
Pathetic i must say...
kalau aku suke sngt ngn dier, da lame aku stead ngn dier!! WTH! pk uh! ARGHH!!
Seme kene dngr ape kau bbl...! da la half the shit u talked about r assumptions pn nk step mane nyer btol!
Pentingkn diri sendiri jek tau...! FUCK!
If u no longer trust me, y bother to continue this relationship?
U have no respect fr me AT ALL! knw tt?!
Whats the real reason actually?
R u finding fault cos u wanna break up with me??
Come on, u can tell it straight to my face...!
Posted @
7:57 AM